The Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) is requesting project applications for funding to restore and conserve habitat necessary to support coastal, estuarine dependent, and diadromous fish species. Federal funding available through the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) program will be used to support the top ranked proposals.
Available funding: A total of approximately $200,000 in funding is available to support 2-4 projects each year; however, exceptional projects may be funded for the full amount. This process is highly competitive, with funding requests regularly surpassing available resources. As mentioned, successful proposals are expected to demonstrate at least a 1:1 non-federal match. Once NFHP grant funds are matched with non-federal funds or in-kind contributions, additional federal and non-federal contributions to the project are permitted without limit. Projects offering more than the minimum match may receive special consideration from ACFHP.
Application deadline: February 14, 2025
For complete information and guidelines please review the funding instructions or visit: FY26 Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Funding Cycle.
To view previously funded projects, visit On the Ground Projects – Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership.
For additional information please contact Simen Kaalstad, ACFHP Director ([email protected]).
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