August 5, 2019
The Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP or Partnership) is excited to welcome two new members to the Partnership – The Pew Charitable Trusts (Pew) and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council).
Pew is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to improve public policy, inform the public, and invigorate civic life through the pursuit of evidence-based, nonpartisan analysis. For decades, Pew has worked to protect ocean wildlife and ecosystems nationwide, advocating for conservation and the use of ecosystem-based fishery management approaches. Pew’s U.S. Oceans team has developed strong relationships with a wide range of partners to rebuild and protect ocean ecosystems critical to coastal economies.
Through this work, important conservation challenges to address closer to shore became increasingly pressing. So as Pew continues to work with regional fishery managers nationwide to support effective marine conservation, it is also joining partners in a new body of work that will seek to protect and restore essential coastal habitats like oyster reefs, seagrass meadows, and salt marsh along the Atlantic coast and elsewhere. These habitats provide nursery areas, food, and refuge for a diversity of marine wildlife, support jobs, and coastal communities. Pew will work with resource managers, industry, scientists, conservationists, and other stakeholders in a collaborative manner to advance durable, ecosystem-based solutions.
Pew will be represented at the Partnership by Aaron Kornbluth, Officer, and Zack Greenberg, Senior Associate, on the steering and communications committees, respectively. Aaron and Zack both enjoy fishing, hiking, and running. Aaron brings over a decade of experience developing collaborative solutions and tools to mitigate nutrient pollution in coastal waterways and addressing complex fisheries management issues. Zack has managed various federal, state, and local campaigns for over five years and now coordinates outreach for Pew’s Atlantic coast marine conservation efforts.
For more information on The Pew Charitable Trusts, please visit their website.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is one of eight regional councils responsible for the conservation and management of fishery resources within U.S. federal waters. The Council manages fisheries from 3 to 200 miles off the coasts of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. The Council manages more than 64 species with seven fishery management plans (FMPs). Fourteen species are directly managed with specific FMPs. The Council coordinates its management activities closely with several other management bodies to ensure that fisheries are managed effectively across jurisdictional boundaries.
Sustainable recreational and commercial fisheries are dependent upon healthy fish habitat, and the Council plans to improve their understanding of the threats to healthy fish habitat as an ACFHP partner. The Council will contribute to the Partnership by helping to prioritize actions and policies that protect, restore, or maintain resilient habitats that optimize ecosystem functions and services to the benefit of both fish and wildlife.
Jessica Coakley, Fishery Management Specialist, will be representing the Council on the ACFHP steering committee, and Mary Sabo, Communication and Outreach Program Coordinator, will represent the Council on the outreach and communications subcommittee. Jessica Coakley joined the council staff in 2004 and has nearly 20 years of experience related to fishery management and science issues. Mary coordinates the Council’s communication and outreach activities and also oversees development of the Council’s strategic plans and annual implementation plans.
For more information on the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, visit their website.