Atlantic City, New Jersey
Endorsed by ACFHP in 2019.
This recycling program will collect clean recycled oyster shell from local businesses and plant the recycled shell on the Mullica River seed beds, the last self-sustaining oyster beds on the Atlantic coast of New Jersey. This shell will result in enhancement of these naturally occurring beds, increasing the potential for oyster settlement, water filtration, and fish habitat availability. Increasing the area of these oyster beds will help to combat sedimentation issues and increase resiliency to climate change-induced increases in salinity, predation rates, and disease. Many partners – including the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Shellfisheries, Atlantic City Hard Rock Cafe, Jetty Apparel, Jetty Rock Foundation, ReClam the Bay, Inc., Stockton University, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension – are involved in making this effort a success.
To learn more about the program, visit:
Text provided by New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.