On the Ground Projects

Asbury, New Jersey Endorsed by ACFHP in 2025 The “Restoring the Musconetcong River through Dam Removal” project, led by the Musconetcong Watershed Association and American Rivers is a critical initiative that represents a significant step forward in enhancing migratory fish passage, improving climate resilience, …

Martin County, Florida Endorsed by ACFHP in 2024 Florida's Martin County Board of County Commissioners aims to restore approximately 600 acres of seagrass habitat in the southern Indian River Lagoon, FL. The Indian River Lagoon (IRL) on Florida’s east coast is North America's most diverse estuary, home to 53 threate…

Worcester County, Maryland Funded in FY2024 through the National Fish Habitat Partnership Program The Delmarva Restoration & Conservation Network's Coastal Bays Salt Marsh Team, consisting of resource agencies and NGOs will restore degraded salt marshes in the Maryland Coastal Bays. This project aims to improve fi…

Warren County, New Jersey Funded in FY2023 and 2024 through the National Fish Habitat Partnership Program The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has partnered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), two private landowners, and the Statewide Dam Removal Partners…

National Parks of Maine through North Carolina Endorsed by ACFHP in 2023 Seagrasses are central to healthy coastlines worldwide. Seagrass meadows are the forests of our submerged nearshore lands. However, they are declining at alarming rates. Eelgrass, the foundational seagrass species of the northeast, is particularl…

Millington, Maryland Endorsed by ACFHP in 2023 American Rivers aims to remove a portion of the obsolete Cypress Branch Dam to re-establish a natural stream channel through Cypress Mill Pond in the town of Millington, MD and reconnect 18 miles of upstream habitat for river herring, American shad, yellow perch, hickory …

Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire Funded in Fy2022 through the FishAmerica Foundation. The eastern oyster is an important keystone species in the Great Bay Estuary. Historically, Great Bay Estuary was filled with acres of healthy oyster reef. However, due to pollution, disease, sedimentation, and historical overharvest…

Bartow, Florida Funded in FY2022 through the FishAmerica Foundation. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) strives to create equal opportunities for fishing and recreation throughout the state. In 2021, FWC's Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management began a new partnership with the City of Bar…