On the Ground Projects

Warren County, New Jersey. This project was funded in FY2022 through the National Fish Habitat Partnership. The Nature Conservancy is working with partners to remove the Paulina Dam on the Paulins Kill. The dam is an obstruction to American shad, American eel, and sea lamprey passage, which are found below the dam. Re…

Braintree, Massachusetts This project was funded in FY2021 through the National Fish Habitat Action Plan For many years, the former mill industry along the Monatiquot River impacted historic herring runs and disconnected species from their spawning grounds. Now, the Armstrong Dam is the primary barrier to fish passage…

Ft. Pierce, Florida This project was funded in FY2020 by the FishAmerica Foundation. Moore's Creek discharges into the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) and often decreases the quality of the water within this portion of the IRL. The IRL is one of North America's largest and most diverse estuaries, and in recent years has suf…

Cambridge, Maryland This project was funded in FY2021 through the NOAA Office of Habitat Conservation and the NOAA Recreational Fishing Initiative. The Bill Burton Fishing Pier is an important access point to the Choptank River, a NOAA Habitat Focus Area. In 2014 – 2015, up to 350 mini bay-sized reef balls were depl…