On the Ground Projects

South Atlantic Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2012. This project, led by The Nature Conservancy, Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership, and the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, is a GIS-based assessment that compiles a regional database of known and potential barriers to aquatic connectivity, with an empha…

Charleston, South Carolina Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2013. Led by the City of Charleston, this project replaced undersized pipes on Longbranch Creek, under the West Ashley Greenway, with wider box culverts. It also stabilized causeway shorelines immediately adjacent to the project, and enhanced upstream shorelines with t…

Mills River, North Carolina Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2013. Through a diverse partnership between the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources, the North Carolina Coastal Federation, North Carolina State University, Duke University, and a local hunting club, the project c…

Troy, New York Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2017. Over eight decades ago, the Wynants Kill tributary was disconnected from the Hudson River by shoreline-related industrial development. Together, the City of Troy, Hudson Riverkeeper, New York State Water Resources Institute at Cornell University, and New York State Departmen…

Lake Worth Lagoon, Florida Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2018. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is working with the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the West Palm Beach Fishing Club, the Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach Count…

Brunswick, Georgia Endorsed by ACFHP in FY2018. Oysters serve as natural breakwaters to protect the coast from erosion, improve water quality, and are a keystone species responsible for providing habitat for many fishes and invertebrates throughout different stages in their life cycle. In Georgia, estuarine waters are…

Beaufort, North Carolina Funded in FY2018 through the National Fish Habitat Action Plan and NOAA funding. Back Sound, North Carolina has been a hot spot for oyster restoration, with over 50 reefs constructed since 1990. This project, led by East Carolina University, will enhance habitat connectivity in the area by add…